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PCP-Specialist Cotraining Improves Patient Experiences


Adjusted composite patient rating of specialist care higher in association with cotraining of PCPs and specialists

1990 to 2019 Saw Improvement in Women’s Representation in Academic Medicine


However, representation of underrepresented minorities only increased modestly overall

Fully Online College Classes Tied to Greater Psychological Distress


Findings seen among U.S. undergraduate students during 2021 spring semester

Educational Attainment No Worse for Children With T1DM


Children in most optimal HbA1c quintile had substantially better educational attainment, while those in least optimal quintile had worse attainment

Education Interacts With Genetic Variants to Increase Myopia Risk


Genotype by education interaction identified for five genetic variants, with increased effect for university-level education

Female Med Students Publish Less, Despite Higher Number of Research Experiences


Black, Hispanic students also have lower publication rates, particularly at non-top 40 schools

Mortality Disparities by Education Widened in the U.S. in 2020


Considerable increases in disparities seen for heart disease, cancer, cerebrovascular disease, unintentional injury mortality from 2019 to 2020

Quality of YouTube Medical Videos Often Poor for Patient Education


Quality of YouTube videos for patients considering an implantable cardioverter defibrillator found to be highly variable, poor overall

Concussion Linked to Poor High School Academic Standing


History of concussion in past 12 months significantly linked to risk for poor academic standing during same period

Pathway Programs for Medical School Diversity Disrupted by Pandemic


Programs targeting elementary and middle school-aged children more likely to be canceled