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Additional years of secondary schooling provide a cost-effective HIV prevention measure in Botswana

Additional Years of Secondary Schooling Can Cut HIV Risk

Secondary school represents cost-effective intervention for HIV prevention in Botswana
An educational outreach program

Academic Detailing Could Boost Treatment of Tobacco Use

Increase in frequency of simple and complex components of tobacco treatment behaviors
Medical school applicants with Medical College Admission Test scores obtained with extra test administration time have lower rates of success in medical schools

Extra Time During MCAT Linked to Less Success in Med School

No impact on medical school admission rate, but lower rate of passing Step examinations
An analysis of the current state of medical ethics education in the United States has been published in the June issue of Academic Medicine. The article

Report Offers Guidance on Medical Ethics Education

Novel approaches to learning encouraged, such as flipped classroom, use of reflective narratives
Understanding the key drivers underlying medical students' distress can help address the issues and enhance student well-being

AMA: Avoiding Distress in Medical School

Drivers of distress include unsupportive learning environment, mistreatment, debt
Medical students report wanting to learn more about topics that are not currently being taught

Medical Students Want to Focus Learning on Preparing for Future

Desired topics include leadership training, health policy, health economics, experiential learning
Issues that will be at the forefront of the National Medical Student Meeting include vaccinations

Five ‘Top Issues’ to Be Discussed at AMA Medical Student Forum

Issues include vaccination, Medicaid expansion, health care economics, loans, opioid epidemic
Medical students in personal distress may be more likely to have suboptimal attitudes about self-prescribing and personal responsibility for reporting impaired colleagues

Suboptimal Prescribing Attitudes Could Signal Personal Distress

Med students experiencing depression, alcohol abuse less likely to report impaired colleagues
An innovative interdisciplinary program

Art Program Hones Med Students’ Visual Observation Skills

Students become better at observation and appreciate the importance of communication
About 6.1 percent of U.S. allopathic medical school seniors in the National Resident Matching Program were not placed into first-year residency positions

2015 Match Sees High Proportion of Unmatched Seniors

2015 Match included largest number of registrants on record; all-time high in terms of positions offered