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Tag: Eczema

There is no association between use of topical calcineurin inhibitors for the treatment of atopic dermatitis and an increased risk for skin cancer

Topical Calcineurin Inhibitors Not Tied to Skin Cancer

No increased risk seen with topical calcineurin versus topical corticosteroids in adults with dermatitis
Skin colonization by Staphylococcus aureus is associated with the risk for developing atopic dermatitis (AD)

S. aureus Agr Virulence Tied to Atopic Dermatitis in Infants

Expression of functional Agr system in S. aureus needed for epidermal colonization in mice
For patients with atopic dermatitis and moderate-to-severe pruritus

Nemolizumab Beats Placebo for Reduction of Pruritus in Eczema

VAS score reduction greater at week 16 for addition of nemolizumab versus placebo to topical agents
Daily emollient during the first year of life does not prevent eczema in high-risk children

Daily Emollient in Infancy Does Not Foil Eczema in Children at Risk

Daily use of emollient in first year of life linked to increased risk for skin infections
Maternal depression in the postpartum period and beyond is associated with higher odds of atopic dermatitis for the child throughout childhood and adolescence

Maternal Depression Tied to Atopic Dermatitis in Offspring

Association shows increased rate, more persistence, and potentially more severe symptoms
Atopic dermatitis is associated with vitiligo

Study Shows Link Between Atopic Dermatitis and Vitiligo

Subgroup analyses show significant associations between adult, childhood AD and vitiligo
The risk for Hodgkin lymphoma is increased in association with immunosuppression

Risk for Hodgkin Lymphoma Increased With Allergic Disease, Eczema

Associations attenuated but remained significant after adjustment for steroid use
Patients with atopic eczema have an increased risk for fracture

Fracture Risk Increased in Adults With Atopic Eczema

Fracture risk up with increasing eczema severity, with strongest associations for spinal, pelvic, hip fracture
For children with eczema

Staphylococcus aureus Linked to Food Sensitization in Eczema

Children with S. aureus more likely to have persistent egg, peanut allergy independent of eczema severity
Hispanic and black children are more likely than white children to miss school due to atopic dermatitis

Eczema-Related School Absences Higher Among Blacks, Hispanics

3.3 percent of children missed at least six days of school in six months due to their skin condition