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Ivermectin has anti-inflammatory properties that could be beneficial in treatment of T-cell mediated skin inflammatory diseases

Ivermectin Has Topical Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Topical ivermectin improves allergic skin inflammation in murine model of atopic dermatitis
Ustekinumab is tolerated for treatment of atopic dermatitis in certain patients

Ustekinumab Tolerated in Severe Atopic Dermatitis

Four of 10 patients show response to treatment, with one patient experiencing complete response
Evidence that wet wrap therapy is more effective than topical steroids for the treatment of atopic dermatitis is mixed

Efficacy of Wet Wrap Therapy for Atopic Dermatitis Undetermined

Wet wrap therapy may pose higher risk of local infections than topical steroids
High transepidermal water loss in infancy is associated with atopic eczema at age 2 years

High Transepidermal Water Loss in Infancy Linked to Eczema

High TEWL in infancy linked to atopic eczema at age 2; correlation also seen for infants aged <3 months
Pediatric patients with atopic dermatitis have a different skin phenotype from that of adult patients

Unique Skin Phenotype for Pediatric Atopic Dermatitis

Children have significantly higher induction of Th17-related cytokines and antimicrobials
Dupilumab is effective for patients with moderate-to-severe atopic dermatitis that is inadequately controlled by topical treatment

Dupilumab Effective in Atopic Dermatitis

Primary outcome occurred significantly more often for patients receiving dupilumab in SOLO 1, SOLO 2
Taking antibiotics at a very young age could increase the risk of certain allergic conditions later in life

Early Exposure to Antibiotics Ups Risk of Allergic Dz Later in Life

Researchers found higher risk for hay fever, eczema in those exposed to antibiotics before age 2
Alitretinoin treatment aids in normalizing expression of barrier genes and proteins in patients with chronic hand eczema

Alitretinoin Cuts Chronic Hand Eczema Severity

Treatment seems to normalize expression of skin barrier genes, proteins
Topical cowhage provocation and skin prick testing with histamine can diagnose atopic dermatitis

Cowhage Provocation, Histamine Skin Testing ID Atopic Dermatitis

Longer itch persistence, diminished histamine-induced flare may support diagnosis
Eczema have a serious impact on patients' quality of life and overall health

Eczema’s Effect on Patient Health Can Be Extensive

Patients diagnosed with eczema may have increased risk for other conditions as well