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Tag: Economic Status

Living in Highly Segregated Neighborhood Tied to Lower Life Expectancy


Association partially mediated by neighborhood-level socioeconomic factors

Income, Healthy Food Access Linked to Life Expectancy


Life expectancy at birth was lower in high-income/low access, low-income/high-access, and low-income/low-access tracts

Food Insecurity Tied to Slightly Faster Memory Decline


Findings seen in long-term study of middle- and older-aged U.S. adults

Socioeconomic Status Linked to Children’s White Matter Microstructure


Greater neighborhood disadvantage, lower household income linked to microstructural differences, with link partly due to obesity, cognition

Characteristics of Injury Vary for Homeless, Housed People


People experiencing homelessness also have increased odds of hospital admission

Plant-Based, Family Food Packages Aid BMI Change in Children


Findings for children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic

Widening Gap ID’d in Housing Affordability for Resident Physicians


Inflation-adjusted first postgraduate year salaries decreased 0.23 percent from 2000 to 2022 while rental prices went up 17.8 percent

Parental Cancer History Tied to Unmet Economic Needs in Children


Findings show significant risk of food insecurity, paying bills, and lack of transportation

Housing Insecurity in Childhood Linked to Anxiety, Depression


Childhood housing insecurity also associated with higher depression symptom scores in adulthood

Medical School Students Increasingly Come from Higher-Income Families


Findings seen for both applicants and matriculants into M.D. programs in the United States from 2014 to 2019