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Tag: Economic Status

Female Residents Underrepresented in High-Compensation Specialties


High-compensation surgical specialties experienced increase in the proportion of female applicants and matriculants from 2008 to 2022

County-Level Factors Associated With Risk for Suicide


U.S. counties with higher levels of health insurance, broadband coverage have lower suicide rates

Half of Cancer Survivors Face Cancer-Related Financial Hardship


Higher hardship seen with younger age, Medicare beneficiaries, social vulnerability and advanced disease

Pharmacy Deserts Also Face Social Vulnerability, Lack of Health Care Providers


Nearly half of U.S. counties have at least one community with a pharmacy desert

Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status Linked to Premature Mortality


Associations seen for SES score in middle adulthood, score in young adulthood among women, and score in childhood among Whites

City-Level Taxes on Sugar-Sweetened Beverages Tied to Lower Youth BMI


Findings seen for youths living in four California cities versus controls in 40 cities with similar demographics

Study Looks at Impact of Incentivizing Smoking Cessation in Addition to Usual Care


Incentivizing smoking cessation increases cessation through 12 weeks, but not at 26 weeks, when missing data are treated as smoking

Prevalence of Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Diseases Set to Increase


Annual inflation-adjusted health care costs of cardiovascular risk factors projected to triple between 2020 and 2050

Gains in Heart Health Only Experienced by Higher-Income Populations


10-year risk for cardiovascular disease remained stagnant at >8 percent for U.S. adults with the lowest incomes in 1988 to 2018

Childhood Cancer Survivors Face Socioeconomic Difficulties


Less likely to complete higher levels of education and have lower rates of marriage and parenthood