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Tag: Economic Status

Volume-Based Compensation Most Common Incentive for Doctors


Quality and cost performance incentives were common, but percentage of compensation based on these was modest

Acral Lentiginous Melanoma Survival Varies by Race, SES


Differences in socioeconomic status contribute to survival disparities for Hispanic Black and White patients

Living in Poor Neighborhood Tied to Worse Mitral Valve Repair Outcomes


Patients with lower socioeconomic status face bigger incisions, fewer repairs, more complications, and higher mortality

Disparities Seen in Air Pollution Exposure Across the U.S.


Exposure to air pollution greater for certain racial/ethnic groups, low-income groups

Pandemic Cut Orthopedic Residency Application Cycle Expenses


Difference attributed to the use of virtual interviews and lack of away rotations

Lower Socioeconomic Status Linked to Incidence of Orofacial Clefts


Receiving assistance under the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children associated with cleft palate only

Higher Frequency Cannabis Use Tied to Demographic Factors


Young and racial minority populations, those with low socioeconomic status more likely to have higher frequency use

Cervical Cancer Incidence Varies by Neighborhood Wealth


Poorest neighborhoods in New York City have cervical cancer rates 73 percent higher than wealthiest neighborhoods

Wealthier Parents More Likely to Get COVID-19 Vaccines for Young Children


47 percent with annual incomes ≥$100,000 willing to get their child vaccinated versus only 34 percent of those with incomes less than $50,000

Suicide Risk Up After Cancer Diagnosis in Rural, Poor Counties


Risk highest in the first year after diagnosis, but remains higher in those living in the lowest-income counties