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Tag: Economic Status

Use of Secondary CVD Prevention Medications Low in Most Countries


Use of one or more classes of medications for secondary CVD prevention peaked at 43.1 percent, decreased to 31.3 percent

Older Brain Age Observed in Adults With Sickle Cell Anemia


Higher economic deprivation also associated with brain age gap in controls without sickle cell anemia

Smoking Tied to Lower Earnings, Labor Market Participation


Associations even stronger among those with lower educational attainment

Psychological Distress in Teen Years Tied to Later Economic Outcomes


Hypothetical policy to increase mental health preventive care could yield billions of budgetary benefits from increased labor force participation

Polypill Treatment Offers High Value in Low-Income, Underserved Population


Polypill treatment estimated at $8,560 per QALY gained compared with usual care and had high value in 99 percent of simulations

Layperson-Delivered Empathetic Intervention Ups Glycemic Control


Telephone-based intervention improves glycemic control in patients with diabetes and low income

Socioeconomic Factors May Not Predict Rheumatoid Arthritis Disease Activity


Significant associations only observed for patients seen in an academic clinical setting, but not at a safety net hospital

Risk for Mortality Up With Low Income in Type 2 Diabetes


More prominent increase in mortality risk seen for younger adults aged 20 to 39 years

Cancer Disparities Evident Across Human Development Index, Projected to Widen


Cancer cases and deaths projected to nearly triple in low-HDI countries by 2050 compared with moderate increase in very high-HDI countries

2021 USPSTF Recommendation Boosted Colorectal Cancer Screening


Potential disparities in uptake seen by socioeconomic status and locality among privately insured adults