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Tag: Eating / Appetite Disorders

Guidance Provided for Management of Pediatric Eating Disorders


Pediatricians should initiate comprehensive evaluations, including medical, psych assessment; refer to multidisciplinary care

Kids' Weight Rises When Convenience Stores Open Nearby: Study

Obesity, Eating Disorders More Common in Sexual-, Gender-Minority Youth


Findings suggest that disparities in weight, eating disorders observed in SGM adolescents/adults may emerge in childhood

Young adults who previously experienced weight stigma may have increased vulnerability to distress and maladaptive eating during the COVID-19 pandemic

Weight Stigma May Predict Binge Eating During the Pandemic

Young adults with previous weight stigma at greater risk for maladaptive eating, regardless of weight
A coached

Digital Cognitive Therapy Aids College Women With Eating Disorders

Coached, digital intervention effective for reducing psychopathology, depression, clinical impairment
Greater autistic social traits in childhood could be a risk factor for the development of disordered eating in adolescence

Autism in Childhood May Up Risk for Later Eating Disorders

Findings seen in longitudinal study of children followed from age 7 to 16 years
Use of social media

Social Media Use Tied to Disordered Eating in Young Teens

Association seen for both number of social media accounts and daily time spent using them
Diet pill and laxative use for weight control are associated with increased odds of subsequent first eating disorder diagnosis

Diet Pill, Laxative Use in Women Tied to Later Eating Disorder Dx

Odds of incident eating disorder diagnosis up with use of diet pill, laxative for weight control
Early warning signs may help providers identify eating disorders earlier

Early Warning Signs May Predate Eating Disorder Onset

Those with disorders have higher rates of other conditions, Rx years before diagnosis
Disordered eating to bulk up is common among young men and may be a warning sign of future health problems

More Than 1 in 5 Young Men Use Disordered Eating to Bulk Up

Having a skinny self-image, exercising to gain weight may be risk factors for disordered eating
Women with eating disorders experience persistently greater depressive symptoms across the life-course

Depression Symptoms Greater in Mothers With Prior Eating Disorders

Findings based on long-term follow-up from 18th week of pregnancy to 18 years postnatal