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Tag: Drug Interactions

There is a probable interaction between paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir+dasabuvir plus ribavirin with warfarin

Probable Interaction ID’d for PrOD, Ribavirin With Warfarin

Case report shows probable interaction for ribavirin with paritaprevir/ritonavir/ombitasvir+dasabuvir
Statins can interact with other drugs prescribed for cardiovascular disease

AHA Urges Awareness of Statin Interaction With Other CV Meds

Lovastatin, simvastatin, pravastatin should not be used with gemfibrozil
The interaction between grapefruit juice and midazolam varies based on grapefruit juice-related characteristics such as the amount of furanocoumarin

Grapefruit-Midazolam Interaction Varies With Juice Characteristics

Grapefruit juice-drug interaction varies based on amount of furanocoumarin constituents in juice