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Women are underrepresented in leadership roles in obstetrics and gynecology

Women Underrepresented in Leadership Roles in Ob-Gyn

Highest representation of women in family planning; lowest in reproductive endocrinology and infertility
Defensive medicine is commonly practiced among surgeons and radiologists in Austria

Defensive Medicine Common Among Surgeons, Radiologists

More than one-quarter of diagnostics ordered for defensive reasons in Austria
The increasing use of medical scribes should not be a replacement for improving electronic health records

Impact of Medical Scribes on EHR Advancement Discussed

Use of medical scribes should not be replacement for improvement of EHRs
For accountable care organizations (ACOs)

Guidance Offered for Ethical Referrals Within ACOs

Influencing referrals should be transparent, with appropriate metrics and the right incentives
Guidelines have been developed for clinical documentation and interrelated issues. The position paper has been published online Jan. 13 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

Guidelines Presented for Clinical Documentation in 21st Century

Recommendations provided for clinicians, provider institutions, government regulators, payers
Many U.S. cancer survivors have unresolved physical and mental health issues long after being cured

Providers Urged to Address Patients’ Post-Cancer Concerns

Many U.S. survivors have unresolved physical, mental health issues long after cancer