Tag: Dizziness/Vertigo
Occupational Exposures Tied to Higher Risk for Vertigo
Risk increased with exposure to noise and vibrations
Recording of Nystagmus During Vertigo in Meniere Disease May Offer Therapeutic Aid
Direction of nystagmus during vertigo in Meniere disease mainly horizontal but can change
Acupuncture May Improve Meniere Disease Symptoms
Benefits include symptoms of vertigo, tinnitus, ear fullness, and hearing loss
Most With Intractable Meniere Disease Experience Symptom Relief
Among patients wait-listed for nonablative surgery, most were free of vertigo attacks without undergoing surgery
Delayed Meniere Disease Tied to Higher Prevalence of Bilateral Disease
Delayed disease also tied to more severe hearing loss and greater contralateral endolymphatic hydrops
Study Looks at Hearing, Balance in Adolescent Meniere Disease
Higher pure-tone average threshold, lower speech discrimination score, and lower otoacoustic emission pass rates seen compared with RVC
Endolymphatic Duct Blockage Beneficial for Vertigo in Meniere Disease
Procedure more effective than the intratympanic methylprednisolone injection for controlling vertigo symptoms and preserving hearing function
Triple Semicircular Canal Occlusion + Endolymphatic Sac Decompression Alleviates Vertigo
Findings seen in small study of patients with Meniere disease and frequent vertigo attacks
Cochlear Implants Aid Meniere Disease Outcomes
Benefits seen across various measures
Use of CT Angiogram on the Rise for Headache, Dizziness in Emergency Department
67 percent increase in utilization tied to a concomitant 38.1 percent decrease in positivity rate