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Tag: Diabetes: Type II

Type 2 diabetes may reduce the risk of developing amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

T2DM May Help Protect Against Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

Study suggests a potential link, but researchers can't explain it
Among older adults

Specific Trans Fatty Acids Linked With Incident Diabetes

Correlations differ by specific trans fatty acid and by method of assessment
A vegan diet might help patients with diabetic neuropathy lose weight and find some pain relief

Vegan Diet Tied to Weight Loss, Improved Neuropathy in DM

Those who followed it lost average of 15 pounds, had improved blood flow to feet
More evidence that a high fiber diet helps protect against type 2 diabetes has been presented in research published online May 26 in Diabetologia.

More Evidence Supports Higher Fiber Intake to Lower DM Risk

Effect might be largely due to weight loss linked to eating more grains and vegetables, experts say
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Gender-Based Differences in Glycemic Control in T2DM

Women have smaller improvement in HbA1c and more hypoglycemia and nocturnal hypoglycemia
For patients with type 2 diabetes

Changes Observed in HbA1c During Ramadan

Of metabolic parameters, HbA1c changes most, especially in those with HbA1c ≥10 percent
For older Medicare beneficiaries with type 2 diabetes mellitus

Early Insulin Initiation Beneficial in Seniors With T2DM

Benefits for early insulin initiation without increasing risk of hypoglycemia, health care costs
Compared to underweight or normal-weight people with type 2 diabetes

Bit of Extra Weight Tied to Better Survival in T2DM

Findings are exploratory; additional research needed
Exchanging one sugar-sweetened beverage for water or unsweetened coffee or tea daily could lower diabetes risk by up to 25 percent

Drop Just One Sugar-Sweetened Drink Daily, Drop DM Risk Greatly

Drinking water, unsweetened tea or coffee instead lowered risk by 25 percent
Type 2 diabetes screening is not associated with improved mortality rates after 10 years of follow-up

USPSTF Review: T2DM Screening Doesn’t Cut Mortality

Treatment of impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance can delay progression to diabetes