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Tag: Diabetes: Management

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration announced Thursday that some high-tech insulin pumps made by Medtronic are being recalled for potential cybersecurity risks that could leave them vulnerable to hacking.

Medtronic Recalls Some Insulin Pumps Over Cybersecurity Concerns

The company and FDA say certain pumps are vulnerable to hacking
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning patients not to use preowned test strips or test strips not authorized for sale in the United States because of possible infection or inaccurate results that could cause serious harm.

FDA Warns Against Use of Preowned or Unauthorized Test Strips

Unauthorized, preowned test strips could cause infection, inaccuracy
Stricter glycemic control during short-term intensive insulin therapy for newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients is associated with a higher likelihood of remission at one year

Stricter Short-Term Glycemic Control May Increase Remission

Findings among newly diagnosed diabetes patients undergoing short-term intensive insulin therapy
Among Asians

Risk of Falls Up With Mild, Moderate Diabetic Retinopathy

And perceived barriers to diabetes self-management are associated with severity of diabetic retinopathy
Recommendations for the management and pharmacologic treatment of patients with diabetes have been updated; the new clinical guidelines were published online Sept. 12 in the Annals of Internal Medicine.

2017 Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes Released

Recommendations for T1D focus on monitoring, pharmacologic approaches to glycemic management
Patient variables seem not to be associated with hemoglobin A1c targets

Patient Variables Not Linked to Hemoglobin A1c Targets

Targets not tied to demographics, medical history, physical and mental health, health service use
An experimental device uses a patch to monitor blood glucose levels via sweat

Sweat-Sensing Device Designed to Regulate Glucose Levels

Experimental technology senses blood glucose and delivers medicine with microneedles
A telephone-based disease management program delivered by a disease management vendor is ineffective in reducing racial/ethnic disparities in diabetes care

Diabetes Management Program Doesn’t Cut Disparities in Care

Disparity for African-Americans and Latinos versus whites persisted after intervention
Tighter blood glucose control may have a protective effect against dementia in patients with type 2 diabetes

Lower HbA1c Levels Linked to Less Dementia in T2DM

Poor control linked to 50 percent higher risk of being admitted to hospital in future for dementia
A pilot church-based diabetes self-management intervention in a Latino community is associated with improvement in lifestyle factors that affect diabetes risk

Church-Based Intervention Linked to Healthy Lifestyle Changes

Associated with decreased high-fat food consumption, increased physical activity