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Women with gestational diabetes mellitus are more likely to have a history of depression

Hx of Depression Tied to Higher Risk of Gestational Diabetes

Likelihood of history of depression elevated in women with GDM, after controlling for confounders
Coronary heart disease

Stress + Depression = Deadly Combo in Heart Disease

Significant risk of heart attack or death in the short term
A child may face an increased risk of asthma if the child's mother or father experienced depression during the pregnancy or if the mother took an older antidepressant to treat her condition

Paternal, Maternal Depression May Up Asthma Risk for Baby

And older, but not newer, antidepressants in pregnancy showed similar increased odds
For patients with diabetes and depression

CBT, Sertraline Insufficient in Diabetes and Depression

Improvement in depression, with advantage for sertraline, but glycemic control remains unchanged
Resting-state functional brain connectivity magnetic resonance imaging can predict response to psychotherapy in major depressive disorder

Resting-State Connectivity Predicts Psychotherapy Response

Pretreatment connectivity can predict response to psychotherapy in major depressive disorder
Maternal depression is more common at four years postpartum than at any point during the first 12 months postpartum

Maternal Depression Up at Four Years Postpartum

Women with one child more likely to report depressive symptoms at four years postpartum
For patients with diabetes

Self-Management Program Cuts Depressive Symptoms in Diabetes

DIAMOS program also linked to significant reduction in risk of incident major depression
Researchers have summarized and clarified what is known about depression treatment in primary care. The reports have been published in the January/February issue of the Annals of Family Medicine.

Reviews Summarize Efficacy of Depression Tx in Primary Care

Sets stage for implementation leading to successful clinical improvement in primary care
For adults with chronic nonspecific back pain

Light Therapy Seems Promising for Nonspecific Back Pain

Reduction in pain intensity, improvement in depressive symptoms in adult patients