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Tag: Depression

For individuals with diabetes

Comorbid Stress, Depressive Symptoms Common in Diabetes

Increased risk of adverse cardiovascular outcomes with elevated stress and/or depressive symptoms
Light therapy

Bright Light Therapy Might Also Treat Nonseasonal Depression

Treatment for seasonal affective disorder could have broader application
A new small study is adding evidence to the theory that insulin resistance may play a leading role in some cases of depression. Findings from the study were published online Oct. 12 in Psychiatry Research.

Pioglitazone Found to Help Some With Unremitting Depression

Insulin resistance may underlie some cases, researchers say
There's little evidence that taking omega-3 fatty acid supplements helps treat depression

Omega-3 Supplements Don’t Help With Depression

U.K. scientists find little evidence they ease symptoms
There are more youths with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes reporting depressive symptoms than there are depression diagnoses in this population

Depressive Symptoms Common Among Youths With Diabetes

Depressive symptoms more frequent than diagnosed depression for youths with T1D and T2D
The comprehensive Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Suicide Prevention Program is associated with a reduction in suicide attempts among youths

Comprehensive Prevention Program Cuts Suicide Attempts

Findings among youths in counties implementing the Garrett Lee Smith program
Patients with obstructive sleep apnea are at increased risk for depression

CPAP Eases Symptoms of Depression in OSA Patients

Patients with sleep apnea at increased risk for depression, researchers report
The benefits of psychological therapy for depression are overstated

Psychological Tx for Depression Not As Effective As Believed

Published literature overestimates efficacy of both psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy
A "depression switch" has been mapped during intraoperative deep brain stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate

‘Depression Switch’ Identified During Deep Brain Stimulation

Unique connectivity patterns identify potential depression switch in tx-resistant depression
Regardless of severity

More Evidence Psoriasis and Depression Are Linked

But research doesn't prove one causes the other