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Knee pain and functional impairments in elderly individuals are associated with the development of depressive symptoms

Knee Pain, Functional Impairment Associated With Depression

In elderly Japanese, difficulty putting on, taking off socks, pain at night linked to depressive symptoms
Clinical practice guidelines have been updated to assist primary care physicians in the screening

Guidelines Updated for Managing and ID’ing Adolescent Depression

Two reports update recommendations for screening, treatment, management in primary care setting
Chronicity of depression is associated with increased likelihood of failure along the continuum of HIV care

Chronicity of Depression Ups Failure Along Continuum of HIV Care

25 percent increase in percentage of days with depression ups risk of missing appointment, death
Treatment initiation for depression remains suboptimal in the primary care setting

Treatment Initiation for Depression Low in Primary Care

Minorities and elderly more unlikely to start depression treatment in the primary care setting
During 2013 to 2016

During 2013 to 2016, 8.1 Percent of U.S. Adults Had Depression

Depression more common in women; lower among non-Hispanic Asians than other ethnic groups
Evidence for the effectiveness of cranial electrical stimulation is sparse

Limited Evidence for Effect of Cranial Electrical Stimulation

No significant benefit for patients with fibromyalgia, pain; conflicting results for painful conditions
Acne is associated with increased probability of developing major depressive disorder

Acne Linked to Increased Risk of Major Depressive Disorder

Significantly increased risk of developing MDD in first five years after diagnosis; highest risk in first year
Telephone-administered interpersonal psychotherapy is associated with longer-term depression relief than usual care in depressed rural people living with HIV

Depressed Rural HIV Patients May Benefit From Therapy Via Phone

Telephone-administered interpersonal psychotherapy associated with fewer depressive symptoms
Persistent and severe maternal postnatal depression is associated with increased likelihood of multiple adverse child outcomes

Postnatal Depression Tied to Child Behavioral Problems

Persistent and severe PND linked to risk of behavior problems at 3.5 years, lower math grades at 16
For adolescents with depression who declined or quickly stopped using antidepressants

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cost-Effective in Depressed Teens

CBT associated with lower costs in adolescents who declined or quit taking antidepressants