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Tag: Dental Problems: Misc.

Mercury is released from amalgam fillings after exposure to 7.0 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging

Mercury Released From Amalgam Fillings After High-Power MRI

In an ex vivo setting, mercury is released from amalgam fillings after exposure to 7.0-T MRI
There is an association between tongue piercings and periodontal inflammation

Periodontal Inflammation a Risk With Tongue Piercing

And, two young females with tongue piercings have deep lingual infrabony lesions, periodontitis
For patients with a fibula free tissue transfer for osteoradionecrosis and osteonecrosis of the mandible

Primary, Secondary Implant Equal for Fibula Free Tissue Transfer

Similar rate of complications for patients with fibula free tissue transfer for ORN and ON of the mandible
Alcohol consumption

Alcohol Intake May Influence Oral Microbiome Composition

Heavy drinkers most at risk; microbial diversity, profile differ in wine drinkers versus non-drinkers
People with diabetes and prediabetes visit the dentist less often than people without diabetes

Adult Patients With Diabetes Go to Dentist Less Often

Link between oral health and diabetes makes dental visits important to diabetes management
Onabotulinum toxin-A injections can improve sleep bruxism

Onabotulinum Toxin-A Can Safely Improve Sleep Bruxism

Improved clinical global impression and change in visual analog scale, pain at 4 to 8 weeks post therapy
Development and implementation of standardized oral care treatment and referral guidelines can improve the overall quality of oral health practice for older sub-acute patients

Oral Care Guidelines Can Improve Quality of Oral Health Care

Multidisciplinary team and guidelines improve quality of oral health practice for older sub-acute patients
For rodents with diabetes

Hyperglycemia May Cause Caries but Not Periodontal Disease

Findings in rodent models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes
Among older women

Periodontal Disease History Linked to Increased Cancer Risk

For older women, risk of total cancer, melanoma, and breast, lung, esophagus, gallbladder cancers up
Recreational cannabis users are at increased risk of periodontal disease

Recreational Cannabis Negatively Affects Gums When Used Often

People who use it frequently twice as likely to have periodontal disease, researchers say