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Tag: Dental Problems: Misc.

Flossing Linked to Lower Risk for Ischemic, Cardioembolic Stroke, A-Fib


Significant dose-effect seen between flossing frequency and reduction in incident ischemic stroke

Chronic Kidney Disease Tied to Tooth Loss After Menopause


Association significant in postmenopausal women aged 66 to 79 years

Periodontitis May Modify Risk for Atrial Fibrillation


Higher periodontal inflamed surface area observed in patients with versus those without a-fib recurrence

USPSTF Finds Insufficient Evidence for Oral Health Screening in Adults, Children


Two final recommendation statements show inadequate evidence for screening and preventive interventions in primary care

Number of Teeth, Periodontitis in Older Adults Linked to Hippocampal Atrophy


Qualitative interaction seen between number of teeth present, mean periodontal probing depth for symmetric percentage change in left hippocampus

Fluoride Levels in Water Usually Reach Target Level


Only 0.01 percent of person-months exceeded level of 2.0 mg/L, which the EPA has set as the safety standard

USPSTF: Lack of Evidence for Primary Care Oral Health Screening


Two draft recommendation statements find lack of evidence for dental screening, preventive interventions in children, adults

Diabetes Plus Tooth Loss Tied to Worse Cognition


Faster cognitive decline seen for older adults with both conditions

Poor Oral Health Tied to Higher Risk for Meniere Disease


Higher risk seen for periodontitis and an increased number of missing teeth

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Raises Risk for Periodontitis


Patients with GERD have increased risk in analyses stratified by age, sex, and presence or absence of comorbidities