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Tag: Dementia

For patients with dementia

Sensory Interventions Can Benefit Patients With Dementia

Eight categories of sensory stimulation interventions identified, including music and light therapy
There is an inconsistent correlation between oral health and cognitive status in older individuals

Inconsistent Link Found Between Oral Health, Cognitive Status

No consistent association for cognitive decline with greater loss of teeth, number of decayed teeth
For adults aged 80 years or older

Dementia Incidence Higher Than CHD in Very Elderly

Among adults aged ≥80 years, about 64 percent of those who died had prior diagnosis of dementia
Patients with minimal exposure to benzodiazepine have a slightly increased risk of dementia

Minimal Benzodiazepine Exposure May Up Dementia Risk

However, higher benzodiazepine use is not associated with more rapid cognitive decline
For patients with dementia

Traditional Foods Can Bring Joy to Dementia Patients

Traditional foods create feeling of belonging and joy; boost patients' sense of well-being
The risk of dementia is increased for individuals with type 2 diabetes

Meta-Analysis: Risk of Dementia Up in Type 2 Diabetes

Greater additional risk for women with diabetes for vascular, but not nonvascular, dementia
Atrial fibrillation is associated with increased risk of dementia

Atrial Fibrillation Linked to Increased Risk of Dementia

Association strongest for younger participants and for those with longest duration of AF
Tighter blood glucose control may have a protective effect against dementia in patients with type 2 diabetes

Lower HbA1c Levels Linked to Less Dementia in T2DM

Poor control linked to 50 percent higher risk of being admitted to hospital in future for dementia
Seniors with dementia newly prescribed cholinesterase inhibitors are at risk for significant weight loss

Cholinesterase Inhibitors Pose Weight-Loss Risk

Findings in seniors given drugs for dementia versus those taking other meds
Drivers with dementia who have more difficulties driving straight and making left and right turns are more likely to fail road testing

‘Driving Straight’ May Be Suitable Road Test in Dementia

Dangerous actions most often occur while driving straight and making left turns