Tag: Death & Dying: Misc.
CDC: 2015 to 2016 Saw Drop in Life Expectancy in United States
Increase in rate of age-adjusted drug overdose deaths observed during same time period
Leaving the House Tied to Lower Mortality Risk in Seniors
In adults aged 70 to 95, going out more often is linked to higher survival rates versus rarely leaving
Legal Aspects to Consider in Voluntary Refusal to Eat, Drink
Patients, families, clinicians must consider clinical, ethical, legal aspects of VSED to hasten death
Sudden Death Most Common CV Death in T2DM/ASCVD
27 percent of CV deaths in diabetes patients with atherosclerotic CVD are categorized as sudden death
Recent Immigrants to Canada More Likely to Die in ICU
Immigrants more likely than long-standing residents to receive aggressive care in six months before death
Care Transitions Common at End of Life for Medicare Recipients
More than 80 percent have at least one transition, with many experiencing four or more
Index Predicts 10-, 14-Year Mortality in Older Adults
Eleven-factor index predicts mortality with excellent calibration and discrimination
CDC: Higher Risk of Death From Leading Causes in Rural America
More smoking, obesity and less use of seatbelts are some possible reasons why
Age-Adjusted Mortality Rate Up From 2014 to 2015 in U.S.
Decrease of 0.1 year in life expectancy from 2014 to 2015 in U.S. population
Diabetes Linked to Increased CVD, Cancer, Other Mortality
Increases in cardiovascular death, cancer death, noncardiovascular noncancer death in men, women