Risk for Early-Onset CRC Increased in Women Born Via C-Section
Authors say finding may be explained by early-life gut dysbiosis
Prophylactic Use of Tranexamic Acid Not Beneficial in Cesarean Delivery
Risk for composite outcome of maternal death or blood transfusion no lower with tranexamic acid versus placebo
Experts Define Cesarean Scar Disorder
Consensus diagnosis includes at least one primary or two secondary symptoms
Postpartum Opioid Fills Increased With Onset of Pandemic
Observed increases were larger for patients who delivered by C-section than for those with vaginal delivery
Cesarean Section Tied to Lower Graduation Rates in Offspring
However, differences in school performance and intelligence scores were very small
Vaginal Birth After C-Section Tied to Later Pelvic Floor Surgery
Heightened risk seen particularly for surgery for pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence
Skin-to-Skin Contact Right After Cesarean Has Benefits for Mom, Baby
Benefits include greater uterine contractions, higher maternal plasma hemoglobin levels, less maternal pain and newborn crying
C-Section Linked to Increased Risk for Crohn Disease in Offspring
No association seen between mode of delivery and other gastrointestinal disorders later in life among offspring
Primary Cesarean Delivery Rate Increased From 2019 to 2021
Less than a 1 percent decrease seen in repeat cesarean delivery rate each year, from 87.6 percent in 2016 to 85.9 percent in 2021
C-Sections Up Among Women With Mood, Anxiety Disorders
Predicted probability of primary cesarean section was 3.5 percentage points higher for those with versus without disorders