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Tag: Cosmetic Surgery

Soft tissue fillers used in cosmetic procedures can be unintentionally injected into blood vessels in the face and cause serious harm

FDA Warns of Soft Tissue Filler Injection Into Blood Vessels

When injections accidentally enter blood vessels, blockages and damage can occur

April 2015 Briefing – Cosmetic Surgery

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Cosmetic Surgery for April 2015. This roundup includes the...
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat moderate-to-severe submental fat.

FDA Approves Kybella for Reducing Submental Fat

Use for fat outside submental area not approved, not recommended
Adverse ocular effects from aesthetic facial procedures are infrequent

Adverse Ocular Effects From Aesthetic Facial Tx Rare

Cosmetic procedure professionals should be aware of the risks, authors say
Parasternal fat grafting at the time of breast augmentation is a safe procedure and provides a valuable cosmetic advantage

Parasternal Fat Grafting Improves Breast Augmentation

Prevents 'separated-breasts' deformity, which may produce unnatural results
The facial skin regenerative effect of a fat graft appears to be

Facial Rejuvenation Effect of Fat Graft May Be Due to Stem Cells

Facial fat graft and injection of adipose-derived stem cells both show promise

March 2015 Briefing – Cosmetic Surgery

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Cosmetic Surgery for March 2015. This roundup includes the...
Carpal tunnel syndrome appears to increase risk for migraine headaches

Association Seen Between Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Migraines

Patients with one are more than twice as likely to have the other
Labiaplasty is safe

Labiaplasty Considered Safe, With High Patient Satisfaction

However, current practices remain greatly diverse
The gluteus maximus muscle presents atrophy after gluteal augmentation surgery with implants

Atrophy Seen in Gluteus Maximus Post Gluteal Augmentation

Volume of the gluteus muscle reduced by about 6 percent