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Tag: Cosmetic Surgery

Treatment of exaggerated scars with dermal autologous micrografts appears effective

Dermal Autologous Micrograft May Be Effective Scar Treatment

With further validation may be innovative regenerative treatment for scars
The fat repositioning technique in lower blepharoplasty improves pseudofat herniation and adds volume to the lower periorbital and cheek areas

Fat Repositioning in Lower Blepharoplasty Effective

Improvements seen in tear trough and lower eyelid-cheek areas
Patient satisfaction after facial feminization surgery is high

Patients Pleased With Facial Feminization Surgery Outcomes

Surgeries include forehead remodeling, rhinoplasty, mentoplasty, thyroid chondroplasty
Lipofilling seems safe for breast reconstruction after mastectomy for breast cancer

Lipofilling of Breast Doesn’t Up Breast Cancer Recurrence

No increase in locoregional recurrence, systemic recurrence, or second breast cancer

January 2016 Briefing – Cosmetic Surgery

Here are what the editors at HealthDay consider to be the most important developments in Cosmetic Surgery for January 2016. This roundup includes the...
For patients with spasmodic senile entropion

Botulinum Toxin Successfully Treats Senile Entropion

Entropion resolved at seven days after injection of botulinum toxin into orbicularis oculi muscle
Submental fat can be reduced safely and effectively with a small volume cryolipolysis vacuum applicator

Submental Fat Reduced With Cryolipolysis Vacuum Applicator

Clinical evaluation of 60 patients demonstrated safe and effective reduction in submental fat
Endoscopic suction-assisted evaluation of the internal nasal valve can measure internal nasal valve area and function

Novel Technique Measures Internal Nasal Valve Surface Area

Endoscopic suction-assisted evaluation can be used for measuring pre-op, post-op compliance
For patients with maxillofacial trauma

Injury Severity Impacts Time to Repair in Maxillofacial Trauma

Other factors tied to increased time to repair include concurrent injuries, decreased Glasgow Coma Score
The combination of hyaluronic acid filler with botulinum neurotoxin type A is associated with reduced degradation

Hyaluronic Acid Filler Degradation Down With Add-On Botulinum

Experimental study shows drop in degradation of filler with botulinum neurotoxin type A