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Tag: Colonoscopy

Follow-up colonoscopy after 10 months is associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer and advanced-stage disease among patients with a positive fecal immunochemical test result

Waiting 10 Months for Colonoscopy May Raise CRC Risk

After positive FIT result, colonoscopy at 10 months also tied to more advanced disease
For patients undergoing combined esophagogastroduodenoscopy and colonoscopy with propofol sedation

Shorter Runway Time Linked to Better Colon Cleansing

Shorter runway time doesn't increase residual gastric volume in patients undergoing EGD, colonoscopy
Recently developed educational methods have improved patient compliance with bowel preparation for colonoscopy

Educational Methods Have Improved Bowel Prep Compliance

Many methods have been developed, including educational booklets, videos, phone apps
Colorectal cancer detected after colonoscopy examination is more often located in the proximal colon and more likely to have DNA mismatch repair deficiency

CRC Detected After Colonoscopy Often Located in Proximal Colon

Tumors more likely to have DNA mismatch repair deficiency, less likely to be metastatic
A colonoscopy may not provide much colorectal cancer prevention benefit after the age of 75

Little to No Benefit Found for Colonoscopy After Age 75

But risk for adverse events low
Providing inpatients with an educational booklet before colonoscopy improves the odds of achieving adequate bowel preparation

Educational Booklet Improves Bowel Preparation for Inpatients

Odds of achieving adequate bowel preparation increased for those receiving educational booklet
A low-residue diet prior to a colonoscopy may be better than clear liquids only

DDW: Eating Some Solid Foods May Be OK Before Colonoscopy

Low-residue diet leads to improved bowel prep, more rested patients
Despite evidence for the benefits of carbon dioxide insufflation for reducing post-colonoscopy pain

Slow Adoption of CO2 Insufflation for Post-Colonoscopy Pain

Evidence shows benefits of carbon dioxide insufflation in reducing pain
Esophageal rupture can occur in association with colonoscopy preparation

Esophageal Rupture Described After Drinking PEG Solution

Case report describes 71-year-old man with severe epigastralgia and dyspnea after drinking PEG
Recommendations have been developed for colorectal cancer screening in primary care. The guidelines were published online Feb. 22 in CMAJ

Recommendations Developed for CRC Screening in Primary Care

Screening with gFOBT or flexible sigmoidoscopy reduces incidence of late-stage CRC, mortality