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Tag: Cognition and Cognitive Therapy

AAN: Mediterranean Diet Score Linked to Cognition in MS


Higher MEDAS score independently predicted lower risk for cognitive impairment; link stronger for those with progressive disease

Persistent Organ Damage Common One Year After COVID-19


59 percent of individuals had organ impairment at one year; breathlessness, cognitive dysfunction, poor HRQoL also common

Being Physically Active Linked to Higher Later-Life Cognitive State


Effect sizes similar across all adult ages and for those who were moderately and most physically active

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Cuts Anxiety, Depression in Heart Patients


Findings show it is effective and feasible to combine cardiac nurse-led cognitive-behavioral therapy with cardiac rehab

Long COVID Tied to Lower Likelihood of Employment


Participants reporting any cognitive symptoms had lower likelihood of working full time

Polypill Not Linked to Reduced Cognitive Decline in Seniors


But polypill with or without aspirin is associated with reduced functional decline for those aged 65 years or older with cardiovascular risk factors

Midlife Moderate and Vigorous Physical Activity Impacts Cognitive Abilities


Loss of time spent in moderate and vigorous physical activity tied to lower cognition

Premature Cardiovascular Disease Linked to Lower Cognition


Association also seen for premature CVD with greater white matter hyperintensity, higher white matter mean diffusivity

Cognitive Screening Test at License Renewal Explored for Seniors


Decrease seen in number of collisions as drivers and increase in injuries seen as pedestrians and cyclists following policy amendment

Children Born at Less Than 34 Weeks Show Cognitive Deficits in Adolescence


Deficits seen in language, mathematics, and intelligence tests versus children born at 40 weeks of gestation