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Tag: Cognition and Cognitive Therapy

No Cognitive Benefits Seen for Meditation, Nonnative Language Training


No interaction effects observed for Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite 5, episodic memory, executive function, attention

Frequency of Heading in Soccer Tied to Later Cognitive Impairment


Findings similar for self-reported physician-diagnosed dementia/Alzheimer disease

Decline in Cognitive Functioning After Retirement Varies by Race, Sex


Study finds declines steeper for White versus Black retirees and for men versus and women

MIND Diet Plus Caloric Restriction No Better for Cognition


Small improvement seen in global cognition scores, but no different from those following control diet with mild caloric restriction

Solanezumab Does Not Slow Cognitive Decline in Preclinical Alzheimer Disease


Mean change in Preclinical Alzheimer Cognitive Composite score not significantly different at 240 weeks with solanezumab, placebo

Traumatic Encephalopathy Syndrome Could Predict Cognitive Decline


In active and retired fighters who were TES-positive, the rate of cognitive decline was significantly greater for reaction time

Study Looks at Why Internet Cognitive Therapy for Depression Is Beneficial


Significant main effect was only seen for absorption training, but not for other factors, including activity scheduling, relaxation

Collaborative Care Cuts Fatigue, Pain in ESKD Hemodialysis Patients


Beneficial effects seen for 12 weekly sessions of cognitive behavioral therapy and/or pharmacotherapy using stepped approach

Age-Linked Performance on Social Cognitive Tests Explored in Psychosis


Emotion perception and processing performance tied to age in those with psychotic disorders and controls, while theory of mind performance only linked to age in patients

Incident MI Tied to Faster Declines in Cognitive Function Over Time


Myocardial infarction not associated with decrease in global cognition, memory, executive function