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Tag: Cognition and Cognitive Therapy

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Residential Green Space May Aid Cognition in Adult Women


Increasing green space associated with higher scores for overall cognition and psychomotor speed/attention, but not learning/working memory

Menopausal Age

Subjective Cognitive Impairment Linked to MACE in T2DM


Among individuals with type 2 diabetes, country-standardized cognitive score may predict risk for cardiovascular events

Psychological Interventions + Physical Therapy Ease Chronic Low Back Pain


Pain education, behavioral therapy delivered with physical therapy can help with physical function and pain intensity

Memory Concerns Stable, but Incidence of Cognitive Decline Increased


Women, those older than 80 years, and those living in more deprived areas more likely to have memory concern, cognitive decline recorded in primary care

Memory Deficits Seen in Individuals With ‘Long COVID’


Deficits increased with severity of ongoing self-reported symptoms; severity of initial illness did not influence later cognitive performance

Shift Work Linked to Decreased Cognitive Performance


Neurobehavioral impairment seen for processing speed, working memory, other cognitive functions

Poor One-Year Cognitive Outcome Common After Mild TBI


Multivariable prediction model for poor one-year cognitive outcome includes education, health insurance, preinjury depression

Survivors of Severe COVID-19 Report Many Long-Term Symptoms


Findings show physical, mental, and cognitive symptoms one year after ICU stay for COVID-19

ASA: Myocardial Infarction May Hasten Cognitive Decline in Adults


Participants with incident MI had significantly faster declines in global cognition, memory, and executive function than those without MI

Midlife Cardiac Structure and Its Change Linked to Cognition


25-year increase in left ventricular mass linked to lower cognition on most tests; increase in LAV linked to lower global cognition