Tag: Clots
No Clinical Benefit Found for Occult Cancer CT Screening in VTE
Prevalence of occult cancer low among patients with first unprovoked venous thromboembolism
Forgoing Bridging Anticoagulation Noninferior in A-Fib
Findings in patients with atrial fibrillation undergoing elective operation, invasive procedure
Use of Novel Oral Anticoagulants Increasing in A-Fib
Findings in patients with atrial fibrillation hospitalized for stroke or transient ischemic attack
Younger Adults Receiving Excess Anticoagulant Dosing in PCI
Excess dosing for 42.7 percent during PCI; trend toward link between excess dosing, bleeding
Venous Thromboembolism Rates Low After Colorectal Surgery
No decrease in rates despite increased use of perioperative, in-hospital VTE chemoprophylaxis
Anticoagulation Appears Safe for Patients With Brain Mets
Treatment does not cause significant increase in incidence of intracranial hemorrhage
Most ER Patients With Low-Risk PE Eligible for Outpatient Tx
Increased frequency of 30-day adverse events for patients with contraindications to outpatient tx
Weight-Based Enoxoparin Dosing Best for Obese After C-Section
Weight-based dosing more effective than BMI-based dosing for venous thromboembolism prophylaxis
Higher Risk of VTE With Newer Forms of Oral Contraceptives
Includes brands such as Yaz, Yasmin, Desogen; risk to any one user remains very low
Many Incidental Findings From CT Angiography for Suspected PE
Value of incidental diagnoses unclear