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COVID-19 is associated with a high rate of pulmonary embolism

High Rate of Pulmonary Embolism Found for Patients With COVID-19

Two studies demonstrate high rate of PE; 100 percent sensitivity for PE seen for D-dimer level > 2,660 µg/L
For patients with deep vein thrombosis

Metabolic Syndrome May Up Risk for VTE Recurrence After DVT

Significantly higher odds seen for all four components of MetS, with largest risk increase for hyperlipidemia
Central venous catheter placement with peripherally inserted central catheters in children is associated with increased risks for venous thromboembolism

Risk for Blood Clots Increased With PICC Placement in Children

CLABSI, CVC malfunction risks also up for PICCs versus tunneled lines in children
Low clinical pretest probability and a ᴅ-dimer of less than 1

ᴅ-dimer Test Adjusted to Clinical Probability IDs Low Risk for PE

Use of this diagnostic strategy results in reduction in use of chest imaging
For men with and without hypogonadism

Testosterone Therapy Tied to Increase in Short-Term VTE Risk

Among men with and without hypogonadism, testosterone therapy linked to elevated VTE risk
The postoperative risk for pulmonary embolism extends more than six weeks for six types of surgery

Pulmonary Embolism Risk Elevated for More Than Six Weeks Postop

Findings based on six common surgery types in large French study
In guidelines developed by the European Society of Cardiology

ESC Guidelines Updated for Diagnosis, Treatment of PE

Dedicated algorithms proposed for management of high-risk PE, diagnosis of suspected PE in pregnancy
For patients with multiple myeloma receiving immunomodulatory drugs

SAVED Score Can Predict Risk for VTE in Multiple Myeloma

Score outperforms current NCCN guidelines for MM patients receiving immunomodulatory therapy
A new risk prediction score outperforms current guidelines for predicting venous thromboembolism in multiple myeloma

New Score Predicts Risk for VTE in Those With Multiple Myeloma

New IMPEDE VTE score outperforms International Myeloma Working Group/NCCN guidelines
New warnings about an increased risk of thrombosis and of death among ulcerative colitis patients taking the 10 mg twice daily dose of the drug tofacitinib (Xeljanz

FDA: Blood Clot, Death Risk Up With Higher Dose of Tofacitinib

Increased risk seen with 10 mg dose of tofacitinib used for treating ulcerative colitis