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Cirrhosis may raise an older person's odds for a stroke

Stroke Risk Elevated in Elderly Patients With Cirrhosis

Magnitude of association higher for intracerebral, subarachnoid hemorrhage versus ischemic stroke
Outreach strategies increase the percentage of patients with cirrhosis who undergo hepatocellular carcinoma screening

Outreach Strategies Increase HCC Screening in Cirrhosis

No difference in proportion undergoing screening with mailed invitation with or without navigation
For overweight/obese patients with compensated cirrhosis and portal hypertension

Lifestyle Intervention Reduces Portal Pressure in Cirrhosis

Reduction in body weight and portal pressure with 16-week intervention in compensated cirrhosis
For patients with hepatitis C virus infection and biopsy-proven cirrhosis

Non-Liver-Related Critical Events Down With SVR in HCV+Cirrhosis

Study confirms reduction in critical events, liver-related or not
Outreach programs can increase hepatocellular carcinoma screening rates among patients with documented or suspected cirrhosis

Outreach Strategies Can Up HCC Screening in Cirrhosis

More patients undergo screening when they receive mailed invitations for screening examination
An initial hospital contact for alcohol problems is a significant predictor of alcoholic liver cirrhosis

Initial Hospital Contact for Alcohol Issues Predicts Cirrhosis

Alcoholic cirrhosis risk highest for patients aged 40 to 59 years, for those with harmful use, dependence
For patients with cirrhosis with previous spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (SBP)

PPI Use Doesn’t Up Recurrence of Bacterial Peritonitis

Findings show no increased risk for patients with cirrhosis taking proton pump inhibitors
Timely administration of antibiotics is associated with a reduction in mortality among patients with cirrhosis and upper gastrointestinal bleeding

Timely Antibiotic Administration Cuts Death in Cirrhosis, UGIB

30 percent reduction in 30-day mortality for patients with cirrhosis, upper gastrointestinal bleeding
From 2001 to 2011 there was a considerable increase in the burden of cirrhosis and acute-on-chronic liver failure

Burden of Cirrhosis, Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure Increasing

From 2001 to 2011, number of hospitalizations for cirrhosis nearly doubled; prevalence of ACLF up
For patients with cirrhosis

Volume of Ascites Positively Associated With Umbilical Hernia

In patients with ascites ≥2,000 mL, only alkaline phosphatase linked to umbilical hernia