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Tag: Chiropractic

In the past decade there has been a substantial increase in the use of chiropractic services among the Veterans Affairs' service

Considerable Increase in Chiropractic Service Use in VA

From 2004 to 2015 increase in annual number of patients seen in VA chiropractic clinics
For new entries into health care with low back pain

Type of Provider Impacts Health Care Utilization in LBP

For new entries into care with low back pain, health care use up with physiatry versus primary care
Many Americans with chronic pain who use alternative therapies -- such as acupuncture -- don't discuss these treatments with their doctors

Patients Not Talking About Using Alternative Therapies for Pain

Although most said they'd let their physician know if asked, survey finds
For patients with low back pain

Manual-Thrust Manipulation Boosts Short-Term Benefit in LBP

Greater reduction in disability and pain versus mechanical-assisted manipulation, usual care
For older Medicare beneficiaries with a neuromusculoskeletal complaint

Rates of Injury From Chiropractic Care Assessed in Older Adults

Among adults aged 66 to 99 years, chiropractic visit linked to lower risk of injury vs PCP assessment