Tag: Childbirth
Postpartum Opioid Fills Increased With Onset of Pandemic
Observed increases were larger for patients who delivered by C-section than for those with vaginal delivery
IUD Placement at Two to Four Weeks Postpartum Noninferior
Placement at two to four weeks postpartum noninferior to six to eight weeks postpartum for complete expulsion
Racial, Ethnic Disparities Seen in Postpartum Emergency Visits
Postpartum emergency department visits also higher for births at low-volume hospitals, safety-net hospitals
2020 to 2021 Saw Increase in Maternal Mortality Rates
Rate was higher for non-Hispanic Black versus non-Hispanic White women and also increased with age
Cardiac Arrest Rate During Delivery Hospitalization 13.4 Per 100,000
Cardiac arrest occurred more often among older patients, non-Hispanic Blacks, those with Medicare, Medicaid, underlying medical condition
Labor Induction Tied to Worse Later Education Performance in Offspring
Findings seen for school performance at age 12 years and lower-secondary school achievement
Lupus, RA Tied to Higher Risk for Adverse Obstetric, Birth Outcomes
Women with RA/SLE more often required hospitalization postpartum; infants of women with RA/SLE had more frequent rehospitalizations in first year of life
Intrauterine Vacuum-Induced Hemorrhage Control Device Safe
Device is safe and effective in real-world setting, providing high treatment success for vaginal and cesarean births
Deep Learning Model Helps Predict Neonatal Outcomes
Area under receiver operating characteristic curve at delivery exceeded 0.9 for 10 of 24 neonatal outcomes considered
Azithromycin Cuts Maternal Sepsis, Death in Vaginal Delivery
For women planning vaginal delivery, azithromycin linked to lower risk for maternal sepsis or death