Tag: Childbirth
Maternal Labor Epidural Analgesia May Be Linked to Autism in Children
Risk increased with labor epidural analgesia alone and labor epidural analgesia and oxytocin compared with no exposure
Induction of Labor at 39 Weeks Benefits Perinatal Outcomes for Some
Benefit strongest for women with socioeconomic deprivation and nulliparous women
2008 to 2021 Saw Decrease in Delivery-Related Mortality
However, prevalence of any severe maternal morbidity increased during same time period
Change in Birthweight Across Pregnancies Tied to Cardiovascular Mortality
Women with a normal weight first child and small second infant have increased risk of cardiovascular mortality
Postpartum Women Face High Burden of Medical Debt
Burden even higher among postpartum women who are poorer and those with common chronic diseases
Early ID of Postpartum Hemorrhage Helpful in Vaginal Delivery
Intervention comprising early detection and use of bundled treatment leads to reduction in composite primary outcome
Timely Ultrasound Can ID Undiagnosed Breech Presentations
Proportion of undiagnosed breech presentations at term decreased with routine third-trimester ultrasound or point-of-care ultrasound
Nurse Staffing Gaps Seen in Hospitals With Most Vulnerable Maternity Patients
Guideline adherence scores lower in hospitals with higher percentage of births paid by Medicaid
Postpartum Opioid Fills Increased With Onset of Pandemic
Observed increases were larger for patients who delivered by C-section than for those with vaginal delivery
IUD Placement at Two to Four Weeks Postpartum Noninferior
Placement at two to four weeks postpartum noninferior to six to eight weeks postpartum for complete expulsion