Tag: Childbirth
Delivery at 37 Weeks Minimizes Dichorionic Twin Mortality
In monochorionic pregnancies, research supports delivery a week earlier
Increased Risk of Obesity Among Cesarean-Delivered Offspring
Odds even greater when compared to siblings who were born vaginally
Postpartum Depression Can Be ID’d During Infant Hospitalization
Poor social support, history of psychiatric diagnoses linked to being screen positive
Inadequate Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Group B Strep Is Common
Four of five cases deemed unavoidable even with perfect protocol adherence
Communication Challenges ID’d in Neonatal Encephalopathy
Fragmented communication, complex information, and uncertain prognosis difficult for parents
Late Preterm, Early Term Birth Rates Down in the United States
Association between early term birth rates, decreasing clinician-initiated obstetric interventions
Induced Labor Not Associated With Autism Risk
Previously observed link could be due to maternal characteristics or socioeconomic, genetic factors
ACOG Addresses Obstetrical Services and Zika Transmission
New case of Zika linked to high viral load highlights importance of research into Zika transmission
Postpartum Readmission Within Six Weeks of Delivery on the Rise
Readmission more likely among black, publically insured patients with comorbidities
Recommendations Developed for Managing Obstetric Lacerations
Application of warm compresses to perineum during pushing, reduction in episiotomy recommended