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Women who obtain good pain relief during labor may have a lower risk of postpartum depression

ASA: Easing Labor Pain May Help Mitigate Postpartum Depression

More pain relief during labor equaled lower scores on the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale
While a birthing pool during the early stages of labor may offer some advantages

ACOG: Water Immersion Not Recommended for Delivery

Immersion may help during early labor, but poses risks during delivery, ob-gyns advise
For nulliparous women

Delayed Pushing Linked to Longer Second Stage of Labor

Delayed pushing also increases odds of cesarean delivery but not adverse neonatal outcomes
From 2004 to 2011 there was no increase in the number of hospitalizations during pregnancy and delivery for HIV-infected women

Hospitalizations in Pregnancy, Delivery Stable for HIV-Infected

No increase in hospitalizations from 2004 to 2011
Pregnancy behaviors and certain childbirth complications may influence a child's risk of developing obsessive compulsive disorder

Range of Perinatal Factors May Raise Risk for OCD in Offspring

Smoking, method of delivery, birth weight, low Apgar -- all appear to contibute to greater risk
Adding azithromycin to standard antibiotic therapy before a cesarean section reduces infection rates by 50 percent

Adjunctive Azithromycin Beneficial in C-Section Patients

Addition of azithromycin cuts post-cesarean infection rates in half
Cesarean section (CS) is associated with increased risk of postpartum venous thromboembolism

Review Links C-Section With Increased Risk of Postpartum VTE

Meta-analysis shows increased risk is greater after emergency cesarean than after elective cesarean
For women in the third stage of labor

Misoprostol Doesn’t Cut Risk of Postpartum Hemorrhage

Misoprostol administered immediately after delivery also linked to more maternal adverse events
Parity is associated with increased fiber length in the more proximal coccygeus and iliococcygeus pelvic floor muscles

Potential Mechanism ID’d for Impact of Parity on Pelvic Floor

Parity tied to increased fiber length in more proximal coccygeus, iliococcygeus pelvic floor muscles
Water immersion during labor and birth is associated with an average extra cost of $221.12 (2014 Canadian dollars) for each laboring woman

Small Extra Cost for Water Immersion During Labor

Microsimulation study shows additional cost of $221.12 Canadian 2014 dollars per laboring woman