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Mortality Up for Breast Cancer Diagnosed Five to <10 Years After Childbirth


Increased risk for all-cause mortality seen with postpartum young-onset breast cancer in women with germline BRCA pathogenic variants

Text-Embedding Model Can Identify PTSD Following Childbirth


Model appears to outperform ChatGPT and six previously published large text-embedding models

Mistreatment by Health Professionals Common During Childbirth


Most common type of mistreatment is ignoring the patient, refusing request for help, or failing to respond in a timely manner

Vaginal Delivery Similar With Vaginal, Oral Misoprostol Protocols


Oxytocin was required less often before delivery for women receiving vaginal versus oral misoprostol

2008 to 2020 Saw Increase in Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders


93.3 percent increase seen from 2008 to 2020 among privately insured people, with faster growth in 2015 to 2020 than 2008 to 2014

Elevated Cortisol Linked to Unpredicted Birth Complications


Hair cortisol concentrations, but not composite stress, anxiety, and depression scores, predicted birth complications

CDC: Shift Toward Shorter Gestational Age Seen From 2014 to 2022


Largest change was seen for births at 37 weeks, which increased 42 percent; large decline seen in late-term, postterm births

Maternal Autistic Traits Linked to Risk for Adverse Birth Outcomes


Risk increased for preterm births, moderate-to-late preterm births, very preterm births, small for gestational age

Placental Swabs Yield Highest Number of Potential Pathogens


37 percent of placental swabs yielded potential pathogens compared with 2 percent of blood cultures

Gold Standard Lacking for Measuring Respectful Maternity Care


Twelve tools validated to measure respectful maternity care; no single tool stands out as the best measure