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Use of antihypertensive treatments during delivery hospitalizations in women with preeclampsia has increased since 2006

Rise in Use of Antihypertensives in Delivery With Preeclampsia

Treatment trend associated with decreased risk of maternal stroke over same time period
Persistent and severe maternal postnatal depression is associated with increased likelihood of multiple adverse child outcomes

Postnatal Depression Tied to Child Behavioral Problems

Persistent and severe PND linked to risk of behavior problems at 3.5 years, lower math grades at 16
In low- and middle-income countries

High Within-Country Economic Inequality in C-Section Rates

In low-, middle-income countries, C-section rates are lowest in poorest fifth, highest in richest fifth
Almost one in four stillbirths are potentially preventable

Almost One in Four Stillbirths Potentially Preventable

Placental insufficiency was cause of most cases of potentially preventable stillbirth
The incidence of obstetric anal sphincter injury is 4.9 percent

Overall Incidence of Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injury 4.9 Percent

Risk factors include vacuum-assisted vaginal delivery, prolonged second stage of labor
There is urban and rural variation in fertility-related behavior among U.S. women

Urban, Rural Variation in Fertility-Related Behaviors for U.S. Women

Younger average age at first intercourse in rural areas; more women in rural areas had ≥1 birth
For women undergoing vaginal delivery

Intrauterine Balloon Tamponade May Cut Invasive Procedures

Associated with lower use of procedures for hemorrhage control in vaginal delivery
The use of a transcervical Foley catheter plus oxytocin does not shorten the time to delivery in women with prelabor rupture of membranes compared with oxytocin alone

Foley Catheter Plus Oxytocin Does Not Speed Delivery

However, combination is associated with increased risk of clinical chorioamnionitis versus oxytocin alone
Between 2005 and 2014

Chronic Conditions Increasing Among Childbearing Women

Identification of at least one chronic condition rose from 66.9 to 91.8 per 1,000 delivery hospitalizations
The addition of azithromycin to cephalosporin for cesarean delivery infection prophylaxis is cost-effective and leads to better maternal outcomes

Drug Combination Cost-Effective for Cesarean Prophylaxis

Improved maternal outcomes when azithromycin is added to cephalosporin for infection prophylaxis