Tag: Childbirth
Delivery Mode Tied to Pelvic Floor Disorder Risk Post-Childbirth
Larger genital hiatus tied to higher pelvic organ prolapse risk, regardless of delivery mode
Guidelines Developed for Opioid Use in Vaginal Birth
Guidelines include use of lowest effective dose, smallest quantity of opioids needed for expected pain
Pregnancy Losses Linked to Risk for Cardiovascular Disease
Women with five or more live births at increased risk for coronary heart disease, hospitalized MI
Higher Risk for Breast Cancer After Childbirth May Last 20+ Years
Risk peaks five years after childbirth but continues until 24 years postbirth
Higher Staffing Linked to Lower C-Section Rates
Findings based on staffing of obstetricians and midwives in France
Midwifery Care Cuts Poor Birth Outcomes Versus Physician Care
Rates of preterm birth, low-birth weight lower among low-income women
Fertility Rates Down for Each Urbanization Level 2007 to 2017
Fertility rates decreased from 2007 to 2017 with larger decreases in metro versus rural counties
Minority Women at Higher Risk for Severe Maternal Morbidity
Higher risk for problems seen among black women, women with other health conditions
Global Rates of Cesarean Section on the Rise Since 2000
Articles discuss effects of C-section on health of mothers and children, interventions to reduce use
Timing of Pushing Does Not Impact Spontaneous Vaginal Delivery
Rate of spontaneous vaginal delivery similar for immediate pushing or waiting for 60 minutes