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There may be a small benefit to labor induction in low-risk woman at 41 weeks versus expectant management

Induction for Late-Term Pregnancies at 41 Weeks Tied to Small Benefits

Study could not show noninferiority of expectant management; outcomes good with both strategies
Women with infertility-treated pregnancy have an increased risk for severe maternal morbidity or maternal death

Severe Maternal Morbidity, Mortality Up With Infertility Tx

Likelihood of having three or more severe maternal morbidity indicators greater with invasive infertility tx
Women with inflammatory bowel disease have an increased risk for new-onset psychiatric diagnosis in the postpartum period

Postpartum New-Onset Mental Illness Risk Up With IBD

Increased risk for new-onset, postpartum mental illness observed in patients with inflammatory bowel disease
After childbirth

Delivery Mode Tied to Pelvic Floor Disorder Risk Post-Childbirth

Larger genital hiatus tied to higher pelvic organ prolapse risk, regardless of delivery mode
Guidelines have been developed for use of opioids for uncomplicated spontaneous vaginal birth; the draft consensus guidelines were published online Dec. 4 in Obstetrics & Gynecology.

Guidelines Developed for Opioid Use in Vaginal Birth

Guidelines include use of lowest effective dose, smallest quantity of opioids needed for expected pain
Both pregnancy losses and a history of at least five live births are associated with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease

Pregnancy Losses Linked to Risk for Cardiovascular Disease

Women with five or more live births at increased risk for coronary heart disease, hospitalized MI
The increased risk for breast cancer that occurs after childbirth can last more than 20 years

Higher Risk for Breast Cancer After Childbirth May Last 20+ Years

Risk peaks five years after childbirth but continues until 24 years postbirth
Higher staffing levels in maternity units reduce the rate of cesarean deliveries

Higher Staffing Linked to Lower C-Section Rates

Findings based on staffing of obstetricians and midwives in France
Compared with physician models of care

Midwifery Care Cuts Poor Birth Outcomes Versus Physician Care

Rates of preterm birth, low-birth weight lower among low-income women
During 2007 to 2017

Fertility Rates Down for Each Urbanization Level 2007 to 2017

Fertility rates decreased from 2007 to 2017 with larger decreases in metro versus rural counties