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Medicaid Expansion Cuts Racial Disparities in Preterm Births

Overall rates of low birth weight unchanged, but reduction seen in disparities for black infants
A single dose of a prophylactic antibiotic is beneficial after operative vaginal birth and reduces the risk for confirmed or suspected maternal infection

Prophylactic Antibiotic Cuts Infection Risk After Operative Vaginal Birth

Benefits seen following operative vaginal birth at 36 weeks of gestation or later

American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, May 3-6

The 67th Annual Clinical Meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists The annual meeting of the American College of Obstetricians and...
Perinatal complications are associated with behavioral inhibition and social anxiety in children

Perinatal Complications Tied to Childhood Social Anxiety

Perinatal birth complications associated with childhood social anxiety symptoms and behavioral inhibition
The risk for surgical site infection after cesarean delivery is increased for women covered by Medicaid versus private health insurance

SSI Risk Up After C-Section for Medicaid Beneficiaries

Odds of surgical site infection increased for women covered by Medicaid versus private insurance
Cesarean delivery is associated with an increased risk for severe maternal morbidity

Cesarean Delivery May Up Risk for Severe Maternal Morbidity

C-section linked to higher risk, especially among women aged 35 years or older
From 1997 to 2014

Prevalence of Severe Maternal Morbidity Increased Across Groups

Racial and ethnic disparities in severe maternal morbidity have remained persistent over time
There may be a small benefit to labor induction in low-risk woman at 41 weeks versus expectant management

Induction for Late-Term Pregnancies at 41 Weeks Tied to Small Benefits

Study could not show noninferiority of expectant management; outcomes good with both strategies
Women with infertility-treated pregnancy have an increased risk for severe maternal morbidity or maternal death

Severe Maternal Morbidity, Mortality Up With Infertility Tx

Likelihood of having three or more severe maternal morbidity indicators greater with invasive infertility tx
Women with inflammatory bowel disease have an increased risk for new-onset psychiatric diagnosis in the postpartum period

Postpartum New-Onset Mental Illness Risk Up With IBD

Increased risk for new-onset, postpartum mental illness observed in patients with inflammatory bowel disease