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Postpartum opioid prescription rates vary widely among hospitals

Postpartum Opioid Prescription Rates Vary Widely by Hospital

However, providers within the same hospital tend to follow similar prescription patterns
In women with a low-risk pregnancy

Inducing Labor at 41 Weeks May Cut Stillbirth Rates

Rates lower compared with a wait-and-see approach with induction at 42 weeks
Most cases of infection-related stillbirth may be due to bacterial pathogens

Infection Likely Cause of One in Eight Stillbirths

E. coli, group B streptococcus, and enterococcus species most common bacterial pathogens
Multiparity is associated with poorer cardiovascular health

High Birth Number May Harm Cardiovascular Health in Women

Association also seen between more births, less ideal body mass
Opioids are commonly not needed but are overprescribed at discharge among women who undergo cesarean deliveries (CDs)

ASA: Unnecessary Opioids Often Prescribed After C-Section

Change in computerized order sets reduces use of oxycodone to treat pain after cesarean delivery
Among women giving birth

Hepatitis C Virus Infection Rates Up for Women Giving Birth

Rates of HCV infection are much higher among women with opioid use disorder
Women undergoing vaginal birth after cesarean are more likely to have adverse maternal birth-related complications and perinatal outcomes

Adverse Outcomes Up for Vaginal Birth After Previous C-Section

However, women with planned VBAC more likely to breastfeed at birth, discharge, and six to eight weeks
The presence of presumed postdural puncture headache after neuraxial anesthesia (epidural or spinal) in childbirth is associated with an increased risk for being diagnosed with an intracranial subdural hematoma

Headache From Epidural for Labor May Up Subdural Hematoma Risk

Presumed postdural puncture headache tied to greater risk for intracranial subdural hematoma
The enhanced recovery after surgery program

Cesarean Section Quality Initiative Cuts Opioid Use

Preoperative and postoperative process changes lead to faster recovery without increased pain
Blood transfusions received postpartum are associated with an increased risk for transfusion reactions

Transfusion Reactions Up With Postpartum Blood Transfusion

Preeclampsia the single most important risk factor for transfusion reactions in this patient population