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Tag: Child Development

Maternal Short Sleep Duration Linked to Neurodevelopmental Delay in Boys


SSD during pregnancy linked to neurodevelopmental delay in boys, with association partly mediated by cord blood C-peptide

Childhood Trauma Tied to Worse Health, Risks Later in Life


Association exists in a sex- and childhood stressor-specific manner

Childhood BMI Linked to Increased Risk for Schizophrenia


Direct causal effect of childhood BMI on schizophrenia seen in Mendelian randomization analyses, independent of adulthood BMI

Sensitivity, Specificity of M-CHAT-R/F for Autism Acceptable for Preemies


Highest positive predictive value seen for children born extremely preterm and those born at term

Greater Tablet Use at 3.5 Years Tied to More Anger, Frustration at 4.5 years


More anger, frustration at 4.5 years tied to greater tablet use at 5.5 years

Context of Screen Use in Children Should Be Considered in Recommendations


Type, content, co-use, and purpose of use should be considered beyond screen time

Neuro/Psych Diagnoses Prevalent in Children With Medical Complexity


Findings highlight importance of addressing neurodevelopmental and mental health conditions in this population

Childhood Air Pollution Exposure Tied to Later Bronchitic Symptoms


Findings seen for nitrogen dioxide and fine particulate matter

Healthy Prenatal Dietary Pattern Tied to Lower Odds of Autism in Offspring


High versus low adherence to healthy prenatal dietary pattern also linked to reduced social communication difficulties

Autism Intervention Effectiveness Unchanged by Increased Amounts


No evidence seen for significant, positive association between intervention amount and intervention effect size