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Tag: Chemotherapy

For premenopausal women with breast cancer

Adding Triptorelin to Breast CA Chemo May Up Ovarian Recovery

Findings for premenopausal women with hormone-positive or hormone-negative breast cancer
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is less likely to benefit black women with breast cancer than those in other racial and ethnic groups

Early Chemo Less Likely to Help Black Breast Cancer Patients

More research needed to explain why outcomes differ among black, Hispanic, and Asian women
For breast and colorectal cancer survivors

Mindfulness Tx Aids Cancer-Linked Cognitive Impairment

Benefits for breast and colorectal cancer survivors with mindfulness-based stress reduction
The sooner early-stage breast cancer patients have surgery following their diagnosis

Timing May Be Key to Success for Early Breast CA Treatment

Scheduling the operation as soon as possible after diagnosis seems to raise odds for survival
β-blockers and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors can prevent heart damage in breast cancer patients as they undergo chemotherapy

SABCS: β-Blockers, ACEIs May Protect Heart During Chemo

May also lower risk of complications that can interrupt breast cancer treatment
For breast cancer survivors

Anthracyclines More Neurotoxic Than Other Breast CA Regimens

More negative effects on specific cognitive domains, network connections for breast cancer survivors
For women with early-stage breast cancer

Impact of Recurrence Score Assay Varies With Patient Age

For women with early-stage breast cancer, testing lowers chemo use, costs among women <55 years
For patients receiving chemotherapy

ASCO Updates Guidelines for Antiemetics During Chemo

Oral combination of netupitant and palonosetron beneficial for prevention of nausea and vomiting
Lower-level radiation and chemotherapy may be as effective as standard doses for some patients with human papillomavirus-related oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma

ASTRO: Less Treatment Effective in HPV-Related Oropharynx CA

Lower doses of chemotherapy, radiation may also reduce unwanted side effects
Chemoradiotherapy is associated with survival benefit over chemotherapy alone for elderly patients with limited-stage small-cell lung cancer

CRT May Be Preferred Strategy for Elderly With Lung Cancer

Increased survival for chemoradiotherapy versus chemotherapy in limited-stage, small-cell lung cancer