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Tag: Chemotherapy

For patients with stage IIIC to IV ovarian cancer

Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Use Up in Ovarian Cancer Treatment

NACT use up from 2003 to 2012; linked to shorter overall survival in stage IIIC but not stage IV disease
Many female adolescent patients with acute leukemia and emergency room visits have low rates of pregnancy screening before teratogenic exposures

Pregnancy Screens Lacking for Teens With Leukemia

Low rates for teens with acute leukemia and ER visits before teratogenic exposures
Dexrazoxane can prevent anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity and should be used for cardioprotection in children and young adults

Dexrazoxane Prevents Chemo-Induced Cardiotoxicity

Dexrazoxane beneficial for preventing anthracycline-induced cardiotoxicity in children, young adults
Guidelines have been developed for neoadjuvant chemotherapy use for newly diagnosed

Recs Developed for Neoadjuvant Chemo in Ovarian Cancer

Guidance provided for clinicians treating women with stage IIIC or IV epithelial ovarian cancer
There is a significant correlation for increasing cumulative cisplatin dose with hearing loss

Increasing Cumulative Cisplatin Dose Linked to Hearing Loss

Severe to profound hearing loss seen in 18 percent of male germ cell tumor survivors
In patients with early breast cancer

Candesartan Doesn’t Prevent Trastuzumab Cardiotoxicity

Cumulative incidence of cardiac events not significantly different with candesartan, placebo
Adapted treatment guided by positron emission tomography-computed tomography results is associated with good outcomes in advanced Hodgkin's lymphoma

Interim PET-CT Can Guide Treatment in Advanced Hodgkin’s

Adapted treatment guided by interim PET results linked to good overall, progression-free survival
For patients with heart failure due to light-chain amyloidosis

Three-Drug Tx Ups Survival in Light-Chain Amyloidosis

Bortezomib, dexamethasone, alkylating agent treatment ups survival for patients with heart failure
An implantable ultrasound device (SonoCloud) appears to enhance chemotherapy treatment in glioblastoma

Implantable Ultrasound Device Augments Chemo in Glioblastoma

Experimental device seems to help more chemotherapy reach tumors
A treatment combining chemotherapy and an autologous hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation could represent a major advance against aggressive multiple sclerosis

New Post-Chemo Stem Cell Transplant Promising in MS

However, toxic side effects of strong chemo could limit use