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Soy intake may modify the association between bisphenol A and fertility in women undergoing assisted reproduction

Soy Foods May Blunt Reproductive Harm From BPA

Potential interaction between soy and bisphenol A may protect fertility in women undergoing IVF
Children whose mothers were exposed to relatively high levels of perfluorooctanoic during pregnancy have more rapid accumulation of body fat

Prenatal PFOA Exposure Linked to Excess Weight in Children

However, more research needs to be done to show cause-and-effect
Despite efforts by lawmakers and manufacturers to protect workers and provide safe working environments

Occupational Risk of Bladder Cancer on the Rise

Odds for the disease climbing faster among women than men in the workforce
Mothers with high blood levels of bisphenol A early in pregnancy tend to have newborn girls who weigh less than girls born of mothers with low BPA levels

Exposure to BPA in Pregnancy Tied to Low Birth Weight in Girls

Bisphenol A levels also linked to slightly longer pregnancies
Unexplained chronic fatigue

Damage to Mitochondrial DNA May Explain Gulf War Illness

Exposure to chemicals could be cause of unexplained fatigue and pain among Gulf War veterans
Women exposed to high levels of polychlorinated biphenyls in early pregnancy have a higher risk of developing gestational diabetes

PCB Exposure Linked to Higher Risk of Gestational Diabetes

But exposure to DDE and HCB during early pregnancy wasn't associated with GDM risk
New mothers may inadvertently pass industrial chemicals along to their infants through breastfeeding

Perfluorinated Alkylate Levels Up in Breastfed Infants

And PFASs appear to lower effectiveness of some childhood vaccinations, researchers add
Gynecologists should be aware that accidental exposure to trichloroacetic acid

Caution: Handle TCA With Care to Avoid Chemical Burns

Case report of gynecologist accidentally exposed to trichloroacetic acid illustrates teaching points
Bleach exposure is associated with increased risk of respiratory and other infections in school-aged children

Bleach Exposure May Increase Risk of Infections in Children

Increased risks of influenza only once, recurrent tonsillitis, and any infection
Researchers have found that menopause typically begins two to four years earlier in women with high levels of certain chemicals found in household items

PCBs, Phthalates Linked to Earlier Menopause

Association with higher exposures to organic pollutants in household items, environment