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Tag: Celiac Disease

The prevalence of celiac disease is higher among screened first-degree relatives of patients with celiac disease

Prevalence of Celiac Disease High in First-Degree Relatives

FDRs with villous atrophy identified with high sensitivity and specificity by anti-TTG ≥2.75 of ULN
For children at increased risk

Gluten Intake, Celiac Disease Linked in Genetically Predisposed

Increased gluten intake may increase celiac disease autoimmunity, celiac disease in at-risk children
Micronutrient deficiencies remain common in adults at the time of celiac disease diagnosis

Micronutrient Deficiencies Often Found With Celiac Disease Dx

Authors recommend micronutrient assessment at time of diagnosis
A higher frequency of enterovirus infections in early childhood is associated with an increased risk for developing celiac disease

Child Enterovirus Infection May Up Risk for Developing Celiac Disease

Correlation seen for infections after introduction of gluten; no link for adenovirus
Co-occurrence of type 1 diabetes and celiac disease autoimmunities significantly exceeds the expected rate

Autoimmunities for T1D, Celiac Co-Occur More Than Expected

Greater co-occurrence seen in children with T1D family history, HLA-DR3/4, and SNP rs3184504
Use of antibiotics in early life is not associated with islet or celiac disease (CD) autoimmunity in children at risk for type 1 diabetes or CD

Antibiotic Use Not Linked to Islet, Celiac Disease Autoimmunity

Exposure to and frequency of antibiotic use in young children not associated with risk of autoimmunity
A higher frequency of respiratory infections during the first two years of life is associated with an increased risk of celiac disease in genetically predisposed infants

Early Respiratory Infections Tied to Celiac in High-Risk Children

More infections in first 24 months of life associated with higher risk of the disease
Celiac disease is a common comorbidity in young people with type 1 diabetes

International Variation in Prevalence of Celiac in T1DM

Overall, 3.5 percent of children had biopsy-confirmed CD; prevalence was higher for girls than boys
Children with type 1 diabetes often have comorbid celiac disease

Comorbid Celiac Disease Common Among Youth With T1DM

Prevalence of celiac disease varied from 1.9 to 7.7 percent among children in U.S. and Australia
A common human intestinal reovirus may trigger some cases of celiac disease

Intestinal Reovirus Infection May Be Cause of Celiac Disease

Study suggests harmless viruses may set stage for immune system response to the grain protein gluten