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Tag: Celiac Disease

Psoriasis Tied to Elevated Risk for Celiac Disease


People with psoriasis have double the odds of celiac disease versus people without psoriasis

Risk for Cardiovascular Disease Increased for Patients With Celiac Disease


Increased risk observed despite lower prevalence of traditional cardiovascular risk factors

Recommendations Updated for Management of Celiac Disease


Multiple biopsies of duodenum needed for diagnosis of celiac disease; upper endoscopy with intestinal biopsy useful for monitoring cases on gluten-free diet

Oral Transglutaminase 2 Inhibitor Beneficial in Celiac Disease


ZED1227 attenuates gluten-induced duodenal mucosal damage among patients undergoing daily gluten challenge

Introduction of gluten from age 4 months is associated with a reduced prevalence of celiac disease

Early Introduction of Gluten Linked to Decline in Celiac Disease

Introduction of gluten from age 4 months linked to reduced prevalence of celiac disease
Patients with celiac disease have an increased risk for inflammatory bowel disease and vice versa

Risk for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Celiac Disease Linked

Risk for celiac disease increased in patients with inflammatory bowel disease and vice versa
In children

Organic Pollutant Exposure May Up Celiac Disease Risk in Children

Patients with higher serum DDE concentrations have twofold increased odds of celiac disease
Patients with celiac disease have a small but statistically significantly increased mortality risk compared with controls

Celiac Disease May Slightly Increase Mortality Risk

Increased risk seen for overall mortality and cardiovascular-, cancer-, and respiratory-related death
Specific common school activities

Risk for Gluten Exposure High With Specific School Activities

High risk found for paper mâché, cooked pasta in sensory table, baking project but not dry pasta, Play-Doh
The prevalence of celiac disease is higher among screened first-degree relatives of patients with celiac disease

Prevalence of Celiac Disease High in First-Degree Relatives

FDRs with villous atrophy identified with high sensitivity and specificity by anti-TTG ≥2.75 of ULN