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Three in 10 Adults With Chronic Pain Use Cannabis to Manage Condition


More than half using cannabis as a treatment for chronic pain report substituting cannabis in place of other pain medications

Recommendations Developed Relating to Cannabis Use Before Surgery


Universal screening for cannabinoids recommended before surgery; elective surgery should be postponed in some cases

2017 to 2021 Saw Increase in Pediatric Edible Cannabis Exposure


When comparing pre-COVID-19 years with COVID-19 years, significant increase seen in both ICU and non-ICU admissions

Poison Center Calls for Youth Up for Marijuana


Adolescent cannabis abuse increased 245 percent since 2000, especially for edible products

Cannabis Use Among Pregnant Women More Likely With Legalization


Smoking cannabis during pregnancy fourfold more likely under medical and adult-use legalization frameworks

Outcomes Examined for Cannabis Users After Lower-Extremity Bypass


Cannabis use linked to reduced graft patency, increased amputation, and increased opioid use after lower-extremity bypass

Some Patients Swap Opioids for Medical Cannabis to Treat Pain


In survey, some patients report less pain, better physical and social functioning after using medical cannabis

Medical Cannabis Tied to Higher Risk for New Heart Rhythm Disorders


Findings seen for people with chronic pain; no association seen for acute coronary syndrome or heart failure

Baseline Knowledge Uneven Among Cannabis Dispensary Personnel


Most cannabis dispensary personnel reported workplace cannabis therapeutics training to be unstandardized and weak

Medical Cannabis Use Not Uncommon for Menopause Symptoms


Users endorse medical cannabis for sleep disturbance and mood/anxiety symptoms