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Medical Cannabis Effective for Pain Relief in Cancer


Pain relief better with THC:CBD balanced strains than THC-dominant and CBD-dominant strains

Most Melatonin Gummies Have Inaccurate Labels


Analysis shows most exceed the declared amount of melatonin and cannabidiol and may expose children to very high doses

Intentional, Suspected Suicidal Cannabis Exposures Increased From 2009 to 2021


However, most cases involved more than one substance

Cannabidiol Oil No Benefit After Ureteroscopy With Stent Placement


Cannabidiol oil does not reduce pain or opioid use for patients undergoing ureteroscopy with stent placement for urinary stones

Early Pregnancy Cannabis Exposure Tied to Adverse Pregnancy Outcomes


Adverse outcomes included small for gestational age, medically indicated preterm birth, stillbirth, or hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

Medical Cannabis Tied to Lessening of Opioid Dosages


Findings seen among people on long-term opioid therapy for chronic pain

2005 to 2019 Saw Rise in Cannabis-Related Emergency Visits for Older Adults


Authors say providers should routinely ask older adults about cannabis use

FDA Says No to Regulating CBD Products as Supplements


How to regulate CBD supplements has become a pressing public health concern as the popularity of CBD supplements has exploded in the United States

Pediatric Cannabis Poisoning Increased With Edible Cannabis Sales


Canadian provinces permitting edible cannabis sales experienced much larger increases in hospitalizations for unintentional poisoning

Cannabis Legalization Tied to Increases in Pediatric Asthma


Increases seen compared with states where neither recreational nor medical legalization has occurred