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Tag: Caregiving

Elder abuse is most commonly committed by family members

Elder Abuse Most Commonly Perpetrated by Family Members

Financial abuse was most common type of elder abuse identified
For older adults initiating dialysis

Functional Decline Seen in Many Older Adults Initiating Dialysis

Prevalence of high caregiver burden increased after initiation of dialysis
A new tool

Study Describes TBI Caregiver QOL Measurement System

Five new item banks developed to assess health-related quality for traumatic brain injury caregivers
The LEAF (Life Enhancing Activities for Family caregivers) intervention may help to reduce the stress of caregiving for a family member with dementia

Positive Emotion Intervention Cuts Caregiver Stress

Focus on positive emotions reduces caregiver anxiety and depression after six weeks
Poor emotional health is common among caregivers of older cancer patients

Caregiving for Older Cancer Patients Takes Emotional Toll

Poorer patient health tied to higher levels of caregiver distress among informal caregivers
In-home services such as help with household chores and caregiver respite will be available to seniors with private Medicare Advantage plans in more than 20 states next year.

Access to In-Home Support Soon to Be Available for Seniors

Under Medicare Advantage, a health-related reason will be needed to qualify; costs will vary
The American Medical Association calls for inclusive family and medical leave policies to support lesbian

AMA Calls for Inclusive Family, Medical Leave Policies

Association will advocate for policies inclusive of LGBTQ workers
Physicians have a role to play in caring for caregivers to help prevent burnout

AMA Guide Highlights Importance of Caring for Caregivers

Burnout can have harmful effects for both patients and caregivers if left unaddressed
The costs of informal caregiving for patients with cardiovascular disease were estimated at $61 billion in 2015 and are set to more than double by 2035

Informal CVD Caregiving Costs Estimated at $61 Billion in 2015

Costs may increase to $128 billion by 2035; more than half due to caregiving for stroke patients
For patients receiving left ventricular assist device therapy and their caregivers

Patient, Caregiver Characteristics Predict LVAD Response

Greatest improvement in patient QOL, worsening of caregiver strain in first month after implantation